Ancient Custom Works
by Adam P. Anczykowski
Custom Wear
Buffalo Wool Hat
Price: Oval-USD 380, Round-USD 250

Buffalo wool.

It is the warmest wool probably next to Muskox wool. Very fine (all outside hair is removed), very light.

I have a lady in Peace River country in northern beautiful British Columbia who gathers this fine wool from bushes in the spring

when buffalo is loosing winter coats. After that she cleans it and sends to another ranch where they produce very fine felt.

From this felt I make these hats.

The Oval one is made from double layered felt for the outstanding warmth-you have to experience it to believe it.

The Round one is a smaller one , lighter made from a single layer felt.

Both hats are put together using deer leather lacing.

These hats are completely waterproof without any treatment, simply this wool has such unique ability.