Ancient Custom Works
by Adam P. Anczykowski
Custom Wear
Meteorite Belt
Price: 4 500 USD
You can see falling Meteorite in upper right corner
Kinaskan Lake, British Columbia

Did you ever dream about visiting other planets, to see other worlds ?

If your answer is "yes" then this Belt is waiting for you. If your answer is "no" then after you will put it on you will dream about it.

The leather part of the Belt is made from black and brown strips of kangaroo super strong leather intricately laced to form superb structure.

For the buckle I decided to use beautiful Meteorite named "Brahin" which fell in Russia. This is nice 70 grams ( 2.46 oz) example of Pallasite Meteorite.

It is 4.6 billion years old - older than you expected. Older than you can believe. Meteorites are the oldest things you can have.

It still has lots of cosmic energy, energy that can be measured and can be felt by most biotherapeuts. Be sure that you can take it.

I carefully surrounded Meteorite in one piece of pure silver - no soldering. Pins around the belt are also forged from pure silver.

The other smaller pieces are parts of this same Meteorite.

The Belt is heavy but so beautiful, truly out of this space.

Dimensions: Width : 5 cm ( 1.96 inch ) , Length: 106 cm ( 41.73 inch)

Materials used:
  • prime quality kangaroo leather
  • pure silver
  • superb Pallasite Meteorite "Brahin"